jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008



What is English Conversation Workshop?

English Conversation Workshop is a structured and supportive language learning system, involving role-playing, coaching and behavior modification. Fear of speaking is eliminated and conversational fluency is achieved.

classes involve role-playing. Characters are developed in various simulated real-life situations. Sometimes these scenarios are pre-scripted and sometimes they are improvised by the class. With full class participation, students build strong skills and achieve greater self-confidence.

also uses practical work sheets and video evaluation. Use of video allows each student to identify and modify body language, voice and language presentation issues.

Who should attend?

Workshop is best suited for individuals who have a basic understanding of the English language. This program focuses on the speaking part of language. Sessions provide effective conversation models for social, business and personal environments. Common phrases and idioms are introduced and experienced.

Workshop focuses on communication in the work place. Students learn the language and skill needed for typical business communications such as presentations, negotiations, meetings, small talk, and socializing,

Why do you need this?

Are you hesitant to speak in English? You probably have a good knowledge of the grammar, definitions, sentence structure, verb usage, noun application, etc. You more than likely have a better understanding of the language than a native English speaker. So, why do you find yourself in doubt about your English capabilities? Is it fear of making mistakes, worry about sounding foreign, nervousness, uncertain idiom application and speech patterns? The list of reasons is potentially endless.

Expressing thoughts, ideas and opinions in any language other than your native language can be a nightmare. A second language is a tool. Like any tool, it takes practice to master it. Let me give you an example. You can read every ” How To Golf” book that was ever published; you may even have lunch with Tiger Woods. But unless you pick the golf club and ball and begin practicing, the only thing you will possess is an academic understanding of the game.

English classes supply a similar academic foundation, normally a mix of grammar analysis and textbook drills. Necessary? Yes, but it’s not the practical application needed for everyday life in America. Learners often lack confidence in speaking the language they are learning. This lack of confidence becomes a fear that they will not understand other speakers or will not be able to make themselves understood.

Like the student of golf, you need to rehearse, experience, see yourself and learn in a comfortable environment. Without this practice, your fears will continue to frustrate you and prevent continued growth in your new and rewarding language.

The English language is the world’s official global tongue. Recognized in 75 countries, no other language so influences the world of business. Half of the world’s business deals are conducted in English. And presentation is everything. Your opening words and demeanor determine the perception of your character, education, social status and personality. It’s not what you say – it’s what they hear! English Conversation Workshop will help you make sure “they” are hearing what yo

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